Small dictionary
english - galego

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Aeroplane Avión

Afternoon Serán

Agent Axente

Alcohol Alcohol

Animal Animal


Bagpiper Gaiteiro

Bagpipes Gaita

Barnacle Percebe

Beach Praia

Bed Cama

Beer Cervexa

Before Antes

Bicycle Bicicleta

Bill Conta

Bird Paxaro

Blond Roxo

Boarding-house Pensión

Border Beiravía

Bread Pan

Bridge Ponte

Broth, galician soap Caldo

Bus Bus

Buy Comprar


Camp Acampar

Castle Castelo

Cathedral Catedral

Caw Vaca

Celtic village Castro

Century Século

Clam Ameixa

Clean Limpar

Closed Pechado

Clothing Roupa

Cod Bacallao

Cold Carraspeira

Corn bread Broa

Corridor Corredor

Counter Mostrador

Crayfish Langosta

Crêpe Filloa

Crossroads Encrucillada

Cup Cunca

Customs-house Alfándega

Chair Cadeira

Change Troco

Chapel Capela

Cheese Queixo

Chemist's Farmacia

Chicken Polo


Danger Perigo

Dark Moreno

Day Día

Difficult Difícil

Disco Discoteca

Dish Prato

Ditch Foxo

Doctor Doutor

Dog Can

Dolmen Dolmen

Door Porta

Down Abaixo


Easy Doado

Egg Ovo

Eight Oito

Employee Empregado

Far Lonxe

Find Atopar

Fire Lume

First aid kit Botiquín

Fish Peixe

Five Cinco

Flight Voo

Fog Brétema

Fork Garfo

Four Catro

Friend n.f. Amiga

Friend n.m. Amigo

Fruit Froita


Galician spirit "burning water" Augardente

Galician traditional tune Muiñeira

Garbage Lixo

Garlic Allo

Get up Erguerse

Glass Vaso

Go to bed Deitarse

Granary Hórreo

Green Verde


Hake Pescada

Ham Xamón

Hand Man

Handkerchief Pano

Have breakfast Almorzar

Have dinner Cear

Have lunch Xantar

Here Aquí

Horse Cabalo

Hot Quente

Hotel Hotel

How much? Canto?

Hundred Cen


Ice Xeo

Inside Dentro

Island Illa

Jewel Xoia


Key Chave

Knife Coitelo

Land Terra

Late Tarde

Laugh Rir

Left Esquerda

Left luggage office Consigna

Less Menos

Letter Carta

Light Luz

Lost Perdido

Love Amar

Luggage Equipaxe